Saturday, October 4, 2014

The road trip back home.

July 14th, we started our loooooong rode trip home back to North Carolina, to start out our lives together. Let me tell you it was the craziest trip I have ever been on.
Obviously it started leaving California.
We made it through Arizona. There was so much rain, I did not drive through Arizona at all.
We made a pit stop somewhere in the middle of New Mexico. Got back to the car everything was fine. So we thought! As Andrew got back on the highway. My car just stopped. Which was weird. So we had to do what we had to do (Andrew) an push my car to the nearest off ramp (I did the power steering.) Some really nice family stopped and offered to pull us to the nearest mechanic.
We sat there for hours. So I decided to snap a picture of my sweets taking a selfie of us. The mechanics could not discover what was wrong with my car. So we had to purchase AAA, and they towed us all the way to Albuquerque to the Chevy Dealer. But it was already 7pm, so they were closed. We had no car, and the nearest Hotel was a mile away. We walked a mile to the hotel, and ordered pizza because we had not eaten in a couple hours. We got to the car dealership at about 10 am. We waited 3 hours until they realized what was wrong with my car, they were wires that were just old, and not pulling enough power to the ignition to start it up. We got back on the rode about 2pm.
(I was a happy girl)

Then after all that madness we made it through the great states of Texas (well the top part), Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and to our home state NORTH CAROLINA! 

(Some selfies I took)

 Going through the Great Smokey Mountains, was a beautiful sight to see.

The following day, Andrew took me to see the Atlantic Beach. I felt like I was in one of the Nicholas Sparks movies. It was amazing, cold water but amazing!